Surecom SW33 Plus Handheld SWR & Power Meter Review

05/07/2023 TM1 0

The Surecom SW33 Plus is a SWR and Power Meter specifically designed for use with handheld radios. Covering from 125-525 MHz it’s the easiest way to check how efficient your handheld antenna is working but does it really work and is it worth the money? Buy it here from Amazon: […]

Expanded FMTV Reception for the Icom IC-R3

10/05/2011 DavidNorris105 0

Last weekend I learnt something new about a piece of equipment I have had for a number of years now, the Icom IC-R3. One of my favourite achievements over the years has long been “teaching old equipment new tricks”. For example, in the old days I discovered that my Kenwood […]

Pewsey Wharf

CB Radio on the Canals

21/10/2010 2A0FX 12

David Robinson takes a look at using CB and PMR-446 Radio on the Canals in the UK. After 30+ years’ experience of summer holidays spent on various parts of the English canals, I thought that others might find my experiences of interest regarding the usefulness of 11M CB and PMR446 […]

Puxing PX 777 Plus – Experiment as high power “UHF CB”

25/01/2008 TM1 8

Mark, Pantenneman looks into the possibility of using Chinese PMR Handhelds for a UHF CB style service. As noted in previous reviews, the availability of Chinese imported handsets is alarmingly easy in the age of online buying from the likes of eBay. Normally, these handsets are bought for the use […]