I was recently approached by Nige, G7CNF and asked if we could bring to your attention something very important to all radio enthusiasts across the spectrum including Ham, CB, Scanning and SWL’s. The use of powerline technologies (PLT), otherwise known as wireless networking devices such as “home plugs” etc are already causing misery to many radio operators and in some cases cause enough interference and noise to wipe out any form of activity if you are unlucky to live within range of one of these devices.
To quote Nige’s blog..
Currently nearing completion is a new PLT (PLC) “standard” called EN50561 (240MHz+). Until this “standard” is formally adopted, the required standard for PLT to comply with is EN55022. As far back as 2008 changes were made which the PLT industry knew would sign its death-warrant. They successfully managed to lobby the EU to delay bringing in these changes and during the intervening period they managed to get a new standard off the ground (EN50561). That “standard” permits PLT devices to emit 40dB HIGHER power levels than current and previous generations of adapters. Yes, 40dB.
If you are interested in helping the cause and try to block the ratification of this new standard please visit the following link:
http://wp.g7cnf.me.uk/petition-against- … to-the-eu/
And follow the instructions to sign the petition. This is an EU wide petition so the more people that sign in every country the better. Any queries please contact Nigel directly via via his website above or via the TM1 forums (username Nige)
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